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" ยินดีต้อนรับสู่...โรงเรียนเขมะสิริอนุสสรณ์ "

Khema Siri Memorial School is a private school for girls located at 210 Rajavithee Road , Bangyeekhun, Bangplad District in Bangkok . Formerly this school was located in the grounds of the Palace of Prince Thiwakorn Wongphrawat at 3 Thanon Khao, Samsen, Dusit District in Bangkok . The school is named after the former name of Prince thiwakorn Wongphrawat, in other words, Prince Khasemsri Suphayok, or Khema Siri Suphayok in the Magadhese language. The word ‘Khasemsri' later became the Prince royal surname, ‘ Khema Siri Memorial School ' means ‘Memorial to Khemasiri'

H.H. Momchao Phoonsriksem and H.H. Momchaoying Sooksrisamorn Khasemsri, the founder of the school, wanted to establish a school in the Palace grounds on the lines of the Public Schools in England to gratitude the Prince's father Mahitalathibet Adulayadej Wikhrom. The objective of this school was to promote the education of daughters and sons of the noble families of the time.

Khema Siri Memorial School was inauqurated on 1 st September 1932. It accepted students from Prathom 1 to Mattayom 6. The first principal was H.H. Momchaoying Sooksrisamorn Khasemsri. Following her death on 16 th December 1944, H.H. Momchao Phoonsrikasem took over her position until he passed away. On 25 th September 1963, Momrajawongs Torsri (Khasemsri) Khongchumnean became the next Principal of the School, following in the footsteps of the two principals, her parents, and in 1977 the school moved to Bangyeekhun, Bangplad District in Bangkok in an area of 15 rai, 157 square wah. Momrajawongs Torsri Khongchumnean held the post of director of the school until 1999.

At present, Mrs. Praeme-Anong (Khongchumnean) Rattanasakha, a daughter of Khun Sombat Khongchumnean, is the manager who continues to promote the aims of cutivating good manners of traditional Thai girls; still, becoming competent in universal technology, having Buddhist ethical conduct as shown in the school philosophy ‘We are good because of traditional culture. We are leaders because of excellent knowledge'


H.H. Momchao Phoonsriksem Khasermsri
H.H. Momchaoying Sooksrisamorn Khasemsri
Former Principal่
Khun Sombat Khongchumnean
Momrajawongs Torsri Khongchumnean
Former Licensee

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โรงเรียนเขมะสิริอนุสสรณ์: เลขที่ 210 ถนนราชวิถี แขวงบางยี่ขัน เขตบางพลัด กรุงเทพฯ 10700
Khemasiri Memorial School: 210 Ratchawithi Rd. Bangyikhan Bangphlat Bangkok 10700
โทรศัพท์ :02-4242244,02-4245777,02-4242255,02-4245377-79
E-mail : kms@khemasiri.ac.th , Line: @khemasiri